I know what you're thinking... just what is a UBEE, anyway? Well kids, it's not so much a what, as a who. Although, I suppose that UBEE started out as a who and became a what. That's right, folks. An institution, an icon, a bigger-than-life sorta thing. See, UBEE was a football fan and a basketball man. And he always got a hankerin' for a burger around halftime. But they just didn't taste as good as the ones he made at home. So, UBEE decided he'd just fry up his own. He talked the lovely Mrs. UBEE into packing up a picnic basket of fixins. Then he rigged up his grill and last, but most certainly not least, he gathered up the grease from his very own kitchen. Carted it all the way from his house to the parking lot for every home game. And it wasn't just any ol' grease. No sir, this was perfectly picked, expertly aged and diligently doled out. The kind of grease that makes a burger something more... something that brings a smile to your face and a blessed burp to your lips - the kind that heals a hangover.
Pretty soon word got out about UBEE'S burgers, "Go get a piece of that grease" they'd say. And sure enough... they did. Fans just followed their noses, letting their rumbling bellies guide them. UBEE came back game after game, season after season... and a legend was born. During the freelove hippie days, they called it Grease for Peace. And UBEE would have draftdodgers, GIs, cops and commies all eatin' burgers together.
These days, UBEE prefers to stay by the pool with the missus. Heck, they're even into that whole healthy thing, eating all kinds of salads and grilled sandwiches that you young whippersnappers call paninis or somesuch. But UBEE knows that his burgers will live on. That's why he opened up this little shop right here in the heart of Tiger country. So whether there's a game or not, the legions of UBEE'S fans can relive those tailgating glory days and grub down on that homecooked grease. It's like UBEE used to say in his sci-fi days, "Do not fear us. We come in grease."
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